Sunday, May 29, 2011

علاقة الفستق بالحجاب

بعد ما اتحفنا مركز وذكّر في منشوره عن حجاب المرأة وتشبيهها بالفستقة واللوزة، اكتشفت ان فؤاد الرفاعي مو قاعد يستهبل لأن الفستق يشبه حجاب المرأة بشكل عجيب واليكم انواع الفستق وانواع الحجاب واشلون يتشابهون:

لو قلنا ان قشر الفستق يساوي الحجاب وحبة الفستق تساوي وجه ورأس المرأة، فراح تطلعلنا مقارنة غريبة عجيبة.

الفستقة المغلقة:

مثل ما تشوفونها مسكرة على الآخر و الحبة ما تبين. تذكرك بالحرمة المتحجبة وتلبس بوشية مثل الصورة اللي تحت. ما يبين منها ولا شي

الفستقة شبه المفتوحة:

وهذا النوع من الفستق يالله يالله اتشوف الحبة اللي داخله ويذكرك بالحرمة المنقبة.

الفستقة العادية:

هالنوع من الفستق اتشوف حبتها من جدام بس وما وتشوف الجزء الخلفي والتحتي مثل الينت المتحجبة الحجاب العادي.

الفستقة اللي مشرعة حلجها:

هالنوع يذكرني بالمتحجبة حجاب نص ونص. قاطة حجاب على راسها ونص الشعر طالع.

الفستقة بدون قشر:

وهالنوع يذكرنا طبعا بالبنت السفور.

فيبتها ييب يا فؤاد الرفاعي بتشبيهك الحريم بالفستق.

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Wednesday, May 18, 2011

CIA report


I got my hands on a CIA report dated back to 25th of July 1990 about the Tension between Iraq and Kuwait which led to the invasion of Kuwait a week later.

Here is the report. Hehehehehehe

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Nobody will get these jokes except people involved aviation

Chuck Norris doesn’t request clearances, he states intentions.

Chuck Norris is the only person ever to land on runway 37.

Hijackers squawk 7500 when Chuck Norris is on board

Chuck Norris once shot down three enemy aircraft with his aux fuel tank.

Chuck Norris has never landed with a crosswind. The wind would never dare
get cross with Chuck Norris.

Chuck Norris doesn’t fly into headwinds…the wind is always running away
from Chuck Norris.

When Chuck Norris flies, the altimeter setting is 00.00. Chuck Norris is
never under pressure.

Right of Way rules do not apply when Chuck Norris is flying. If you are
flying toward Chuck Norris, you are wrong.

Chuck Norris doesn’t shoot approaches…he kills them.

Chuck Norris is never off of glideslope, the glideslope is off of Chuck

Two way contact for Chuck Norris is when he hits you with both fists

Chuck Yeager broke the sound barrier with his Bell X-1 Jet. Chuck Norris
broke the sound barrier with his fist.

Chuck Norris was told to ident, the controller was greeted with a fist
coming out of his radar screen.

Chuck Norris doesn’t level off; he tells the altimeter to stop moving

Chuck Norris was once denied a clearance… once

Chuck Norris was flying and saw a wall of clouds ahead so he decided to
punch through them. He then got back in his helicopter and flew through the
hole he just made.

Chuck Norris doesn’t have emergencies, only moments of brief excitement.

Chuck Norris cannot be tracked on radar, if he appears, it is too late; you
are already dead.

A good flight for Chuck Norris is a bad flight for you.

A Flight Docs gives med up chits, Chuck Norris gives med down kicks.

Chuck Norris once moved a stationary front.

All survival vests will be fitted with a Chuck Norris.

Chuck Norris isn’t holding, he is circling above his victims.

Chuck Norris provides close air support via flying round house kicks.

No one knows what Chuck Norris’ tale number is, nobody has ever gotten that

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Sunday, May 8, 2011

The red X

For the fourth time in Time Magazine's history, they have put a red X over a face on their cover. The first one marks the death of Adolf Hitler in 1945

After 58 years in 2003 they revived the X for Saddam Hussein on the occasion of the US-led coalition's takeover of Baghdad.

After three years, they put it over the face of Abu Musab Al-zarqawi the scourge of Iraq.

Now on their latest edition, they put it over Bin Laden's face marking his death.

The commonalities between those faces are:

1- They are all mass killers.
2- Three of them are arabs and muslims.
3- The arab ones had shameful deaths. (karma is a bitch).

The first had commit a suiside. The second was hanged to death. The third was bombed from the sky. The fourth one recieved a bullet over his left eye.

This is a message for all mass killers out there, kill and you will be killed.

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