Saturday, February 26, 2011

Kissing my 20s goodbye

Two days ago I celebrated my 29th birthday. It was one of my best birthdays ever. I was camping and my wife surprised me with a delecious chicken shaped cake.

Lately I've been thinking how funny that people get excited on their birthdays forgetting that they have just lost another year of their life's credit.

On this particular birthday I was a little bit sad that I'm living the last year of my 20s. When I hit 30, it's all going to be downhill thereafter.

I'm going to recap the good and bad of my favorite decade of my life year by year.

2002 (20 years old)

  • I hit 20
  • I took my one and only parachute junp.
  • Nothing bad happened on this year.
2003 ( 21 years old)

  • I hit the milestone age of 21 which is the legal age.
  • I graduated from college.
  • I took my first trip with my friends to Sharm El sheikh
  • I became an uncle for the first tine
  • My grandmother to my mom died. My first heartbreaking loss.

2004 (22 years old)

  • I took my first job at the Minisrty of Planning.
  • I fulfilled my dream and earned my first degree black belt in Kyokushin Karate
  • I got employed at KOC
  • My other grandmother died. What a terrible loss.
2005 (23 years old)

  • I became an uncle for the second time.
  • I got my first promotion.
  • Nothing bad happened in this year.
2006 (24 years old)

  • I earned my second degree black belt in Kyukushin Karate

  • My grandfather died. What a catestrophic loss.
2007 (25 years old)

  • I went to USA. A nice trip which tought me a big lesson.
  • Nothing bad happened on this year

2008 (26 years old)

  • I got engaged.
  • I got married.
  • I became an uncle for the third time.
  • I became an uncle for the fourth time.
  • I got my second promotion.
  • I got diagnosed with Spondylisis. A bad spine condition. My sport life detoriated.

2009 (27 years old)

  • I earned my third degree black belt in Kyokushin Karate. 
  • I became an internationally certified Kyokushin Karate Judge.
  • I participated in my first international Kyokushin chanpionship as a judge becoming the first Kuwaiti certified international judge to judge an international event.
  • I went on a cruise. very memorable trip.
  • Nothing bad happened on this year.
2010 (28 years old)

  • I took my third promotion
  • I participated in my second international Kyokushin championship (world cup) as a judge. 
  • I lost a newphew. (4 years old). What a sad nephew.
  • I got diagnosed with cancer. Removed and hopefully will not return.

2011 (29 years old)
  • I bacame an uncle for the 5th time.

  • On march the 3rd I had a terrible car accident which caused my spine to be decompressed at L4 vertabrea, a fractured kneecap, a dislocated anckle and broken foot. I'm still being hospitalized while adding this point to the post.

To be continued until I hit 30

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Apple Developing Smaller, Cheaper IPhones

WASHINGTON – Apple is developing a new lines of smaller and cheaper iPhones and overhauling its software to facilitate users' access to entertainment, photos and video, The Wall Street Journal reported Sunday.

The new device -- code-named "N97" -- will be about half the size of the iPhone 4 and cost about half as much as Apple's main line of iPhones, the Journal said, citing a person who saw a prototype of the new gadget several months ago.

Meanwhile, the computer and electronics giant is also revamping its MobileMe online storage service, which currently requires users to pay between $99 and $149 per year, and possibly making it a free service so users could upload photos and videos there instead of on devices, according to the report.

The move would free up memory space on the smartphones and MobileMe could also serve as a platform for a new online music service which has been in the works for over a year.

Despite taking medical leave in January, Apple's chief executive Steve Jobs has been closely involved in the developments, one of his top priorities, the newspaper said.

The new devices and software are due out this summer, but the Journal noted that those plans may change.

Copyright © 2010 AFP. All rights reserved

Read more on Apple Developing Smaller, Cheaper IPhones
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يا اشباه الرجال في البحرين رجال

( مقالة منعت من النشر في جريدة الراي / خوووش حرية راي ) 

كاتب كويتي / يكتب في جريدة الراي الكويتية
جعفر رجب

اعذرونا يا اطيب شعب،كان مشهدا مثيرا للغثيان،اجبرنا على تغطية انوفنا،حتي لا نشتم رائحة مواقفهم فنشتمهم!كانت مقرفة اوضاعهم-الديموقراطيون التقدميون الشعبيون الاسلاميون والجنوس-وهم يغطون رؤوسهم في وحل طائفيتهم،وتشابه علينا الامر مثلكم،هل كانوا"يخشون"رؤوسهم ام كانوا"يشخون"على شعاراتهم وهتافاتهم الداعية للحرية والكرامة،لكل شعوب الارض الا انتم!

اعذرونا يا اجمل شعب،كنا نظن مثلكم انهم رجال،كلمتهم لا تزحزحها امواج العنصرية،ولا رياح الطائفية،وتبين انهم اشباه رجال تبللوا مع رياح الكوس،واختفت اصواتهم التي طالما لعلعت كمعلمات الحواري من الصليبخات وحتى الصفاة،طالبناهم بموقف او تصريح او دمعة حزن،واذ بهم يتراكضون نحو الباب ملثمي الوجه،لم نشاهد غير قبح"استهم"!

اعذرونا يا اشجع شعب،كثيرة الاقلام الجبانة التي تجاهلت الامكم،وتلونت بعذر ان ثورتكم بلون واحد، وعميت اعينهم مشاهدة اللون الاحمر وهو يغطي جباهكم،وكم كانت شجاعة تلك الصحافية التي وقفت في وجه الوزير في مؤتمره مع لفيف من القردة المساندة،لتقول لكرشه:كم كان مجرما نظامك،وكم كانوا حاقدين على من سكنوها،قبل ان تصلها لحاكم بالفي عام!

اعذرونا يا اصدق شعب،فنحن لدينا تيارات خارج نطاق التغطية، يرقصون الشعبي،الوطني،التمنية والاصلاح،يتشدقون بحرية الشعوب،وحق التظاهر،والمعارضة والاصلاح،وبعضهم طالب بالثورة العربية الكبرى،ولانه يعاني من عقدة اصل ومذهب اجداده،فقد صمت كفرا،وكأن القتلى في ساحاتكم من ابناء الخنازير،عذرا فهو يظنهم اشرف وانقى من دمائكم!

اعذرونا يا انظف شعب،فانتم تتجاورون مع اوسخ البشر،واكثرهم حقدا ونفاقا،تتعاملون مع بشر ينظفون مدية القاتل،ويمسحون احذية الطغاة بالسنتهم!فهل تريدون منهم ان يقفوا ويمسحوا الدمع على وجناتكم؟!انهم شذاذ آفاق،ما عرفوا يوما معنى لكرامة،ولا اشتموا يوما رائحة وطن،ولا عشقوا يوما تراب بلد...!علفهم وطنهم،مستوطنون تحت الموائد،فهل تريدون منهم ان يعرفوا ماذا يعني وطنا تعيش فيه غريبا،بين مواطنين بنغال وهنود و"نور"،تجنسوا وسكنوا الفلل القريبة من قراكم؟!اعذرونا فالفداوي لا يعرف مثلكم معنى الفداء!

اعذرونا يا اطهر شعب،نحن نملك آلات اعلامية منافقة حتى آخر قطرة حبر،وكاميراتنا لا تصور القتلى بل بشوت الزعماء،واقلامنا لا تكتب الا شتما وشماتة،وصحفنا تواري اخباركم في الصفحات الداخلية خجلا ان تكشف عوراتهم،ونضطر متابعة اعلام الغرب الكافر الذين تقتلون باسلحتهم،لان اعلاميينا مازالوا يتصورون انفسهم بنات ليل،عليهن طاعة قوادها!

اعذرونا يا اكرم شعب،نعلم انه لا حرج على عدو يقتل،او سفاح يمارس المجازر فهذا دينه وديدنه،وهذه طبيعته وطبيعة اجداده،الحرج من الاصدقاء الذين كنتم وكنا نظن بهم خيرا،واذ بهم يحملون الدفوف والطبول،وينظمون الى رابطة مشجعي الانظمة القمعية،واعذروا سذاجة البعض،واعذروا كبيرهم الذي علمهم الغباء الذي لوثنا بمقولات الاصطفاف والنسيج الوطني،فقد اشاعوا قبل شهر فقط"نقف معهم تحت شعار الوطنية،حتي يقفوا معنا..."واذ بهم يكشفون عوراتهم في اول اختبار!

اعذرونا فقد تصورنا انكم ستختبؤون في المطابخ مثل نوابنا الثوار اذا شاهدتم ظل شرطي،واذ بكم تعودن،وتقفون،وتهتفون بوجه الجلادين الذين تراجعوا مرعوبين!!

ولا تعذروني واشتموني كما تحبون،ايها الكتاب والمثقفون والسياسيون والمومسون...كيف حال حناجركم واقلامكم وابتساماتكم الصفراء؟كيف حالكم وانتم تطبقون فكيكم على لوزكم الصدئة؟كيف قضيتم ليلتكم،تلك الليلة التي هتكت فيها الارواح،وداست الجنازير اجساد البشر؟!هل تلحفتم جيدا بخبثكم وجبنكم؟ام تبادلتم الانخاب لان القتلي شيعة،عملاء،مجوس،جواسيس،اولاد متعة...يستحقون الصلب والحرق بعد قتلهم!

لعنت ساعة انتم رجالها،وثورة انتم قادتها،واصلاح انتم اربابه،وحق انتم طلابه،وعدالة انتم عشاقها،وحرية انتم انصارها..!

جعفر رجب
كاتب كويتي

Sunday, February 20, 2011


في محادثة لطيفة بيني وبين اصدقاء الدراسة في الجامعة في عرس واحد ثالث من اصدقاء مقاعد الدراسة عن الاوذاع في البحرين والعالم العربي، ذكر الأخ العزيز سلمان خريبط مسج واصله من احد اقربائه وانقله لكم بتصرف:

المظاهرات اللي بتونس وسقوط حكومة بن علي اهي بتحريض من ايران

المظاهرات اللي بمصر وسقوط حكومة حسني مبارك سببها ايران

المظاهرات اللي بليبيا سببها ايران

المظاهرات اللي باليمن سببها ايران

المظاهرات اللي بالجزائر سببها ايران

المظاهرات اللي بالبحرين اهي من مخربين مدسوسين من ايران

المظاهرات اللي بايران هم سببها ايران

العملية اللي سويتها قبل 3 اشهر هم سببها ايران

مسلم البراك وربعه مدزوزين من ايران

القز بشارع الحب والخليج بتحريض من ايران

استاد جابر كله عيوب بسبة مهندسين ايران

الزحمة اللي بالشوارع مسويتها ايران

يقولكم حتى يوم القيامة راح يكون بتحريض من ايران

اتخسي هالايران صارت اقوى من امريكا واسرائيل

خلاص عاد يا ايران مالج شغل الا احنا؟

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

The Social Network

(Spoiler alert: if you haven't watched the movie and intended to, don't read this blog now)

Last night I watched The Social Network movie and I was impressed how an asshole Mark Zuckerberg is and how he basically stole an idea from a couple of his Harvard coleagues and then back stabbed the co-founder of his website.

It is amazing how succesful a product is when it touches a human psychology. Human beings are social creatures and what Mark has created satisfys this instict.

I never rely on movies with true stories as a source of information so I did little digging on the accuracy of the movie and here is what I found on wikipedia:

Disputed accuracy

Author Jeff Jarvis, of the forthcoming book Public Parts, interviewed Zuckerberg and believes Sorkin has made too much of the story up. He states, "That's what the internet is accused of doing, making stuff up, not caring about the facts."[62]
According to David Kirkpatrick, former technology editor at Fortune magazine and author of The Facebook Effect:The Inside Story of the Company That Is Connecting the World, (2011),[63] "the film is only "40% true. . . he is not snide and sarcastic in a cruel way, the way Zuckerberg is played in the movie." He says that "a lot of the factual incidents are accurate, but many are distorted and the overall impression is false," and concludes that primarily "his motivations were to try and come up with a new way to share information on the internet."[62]
Although the film portrays Zuckerberg's creation of Facebook in order to elevate his stature after not getting into any of the elite final clubs at Harvard, Zuckerberg himself said he had no interest in joining the final clubs.[1] Kirkpatrick agrees that the impression implied by the film is "false."[62]
Karel Baloun, a former senior engineer at Facebook, notes that the "image of Zuckerberg as a socially inept nerd is overstated . . .It is fiction. . ." He likewise dismisses the film's assertion that he "would deliberately betray a friend."[62]

So the fact that Mark has an asshole type persona is disputed.

When I knew that Mark is a jew, I instantly linked the color theme of facebook with the israeli flag which is the white and blue. The same blue in the falg.

Watch the movie, it's worth it.

الحمد لله الذي جعل أعدائنا حمقى

من فعاليات مهرجان هلا فبراير هالسنة راح يسوون عرض سحر. وكل واحد يدري ان السحر المقصود فيه اهو خداع بصري لا اكثر ولا اقل و مو السحر المقصود فيه بالشعوذة و تسخير الجن.

اللي يشوف برنامج Braking the Magician Code اللي يحطون في MBC Action يعرف شنو قاعد اقول.

ويا سبحان الله مادري ليش الواحد كل ما طالت لحيته زادت وياها حماقته.

اقرو امهات لحي بالمجلس شقايلين:

الحمد لله الذي جعل أعدائنا حمقى و يا أمة ضحكت من جهلها الأمم

هايف: السحر محرم شرعاً وممنوع قانوناً

أبورمية: أي ترفيه يبتغيه المسؤولون من إدخال المشعوذين للبلاد؟

الصواغ: عروض مخالفة للشرع.. ولابد من محاسبة المسؤولين فوراً

> حذر عدد من النواب من توجه القائمين على مهرجان «هلا فبراير» من إقامة عروض للسحر والشعوذة على صالة «التزلج» بهدف الترفيه عن المواطنين، مؤكدين ان الترفيه بمخالفة الشرع يضع القائمين على المهرجان تحت طائلة القانون.

وحذر رئيس لجنة الظواهر السلبية النائب محمد هايف المطيري الحكومة من اقامة عروض السحر والشعوذة والمعلن عن اقامتها في 22 الجاري ضمن فعاليات هلا فبراير في صالة التزلج غير مبالية هي والشركة الراعية لهذا العرض لخطورة هذا الامر ومخالفته للشريعة الاسلامية وآثاره الخطيرة على المجتمع الكويتي، مطالباً وزير الداخلية المعروف عنه حزمه في هذه الامور وقف هذه العروض الخطيرة ومحاسبة المروجين لها كما ان على وزير الاعلام ووزير التجارة المسؤولية في محاسبة من منح الترخيص والاعلان عن السحر المحرم شرعاً والممنوع قانوناً.

من جانبه حذر النائب ضيف الله ابورمية من اقامة اي عروض تخالف الدين والشريعة والآداب العامة، موضحاً ان ادخال المشعوذين الى البلاد بحجة تقديم عروض ترفيهية مرفوض جملة وتفصيلاً فأي ترفيه للشعب تبتغيه الحكومة؟!.

وحذر النائب علي العمير من اقامة عروض للسحر والشعوذة في صالة التزلج ضمن احتفالات «هلا فبراير» مؤكداً ان الافراح تقابل بالحمد والثناء لا بما حذرت منه الشريعة الغراء.

واستنكر النائب فلاح الصواغ من اقامة عروض السحر والشعوذة مطالباً الوزراء المختصين بإلغاء العروض المخالفة للشرع والقانون فوراً ومحاسبة المسؤولين عن ذلك.

من جانبه تساءل النائب عادل الصرعاوي عن كيفية الاحتفال بالمناسبات الوطنية بمخالفة الشرع والقانون واقامة عروض السحر مطالباً الوزراء المعنيين ممارسة دورهم بوقف هذه الأعمال.

وحذر النائب خالد السلطان من اقامة عروض سحر وشعوذة في صالة التزلج.

أحسنت يا نبيل الفضل

هذا مقطع من مقال نبيل الفضل في جريدة الوطن الصادرة في تاريخ 16/2/2011 ولخصت الكلام اللي ابقلبي بس مو قادر اقوله.

"كنا نعيب على نواب الكلأ سعيهم الحثيث على صرف مدخرات الدولة في هبات وعطايا وإسقاط فواتير وديون، فإذا حكومتنا الرشيدة تتسابق معهم في الهدر على الكوادر والزيادات اللامعقولة، دون ان يعبأ احد باستقراء قدرة الدولة على المحافظة على هذا الصرف والهدر اللامنطقي!!!.
والسؤال الدستوري، هل يمكن ان تستحل حرمة المال العام إذا ما كان الصرف على الجميع دون داع ودون سبب ودون عائد؟!
وهل نحن نبني ونخطط لغد ومستقبل، أم نحرق جيوبنا من اجل حاضر لا يستحق حتى الافتخار بمستواه؟!"

أحسنت يا نبيل الفضل يبتها ييب

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

عبدالرزاق النجار

عبد الرزاق النجار. محرر أمني في جريدة الوطن. يموت على اخبار كبسات المواعد واسلوبه يموت من الضحك في الكتابة لأنه يضفط من قلب. شوفو الروابط اللي تحت وحكمو على اسلوبه.

كاااااكعبدالرزاق النجارعبدالرزاق النجارعبدالرزاق النجارعبدالرزاق النجارعبدالرزاق النجار

وهذي القوية استخدام مصطلح "شخط"شخط

Monday, February 14, 2011

The smart ass

Every martial arts practitioner one day in his life will encounter a smart ass that will say "martial arts are no good for fighting in the street. It's all bullshit".

I've encountered many of those and my answer always was "well you'll never know until you fight with one" and I always get the cold stare in return.

Then I start to reason with them by asking them these questions:

1- Have you ever heard about a Martial artists, even a rookie, that got his ass whopped by a non-martial artists?

2- Do you honestly believe that someone who is training 3 times a week on how to defend himself will be bitch slapped by a non-trainer so to speak?

Certainly there are some factors that stand against martial artists in a street fight which are:

1- Fear. No matter how much a martial artist train and how hard, his training is for nothing if he can't get the fear of getting whopped out of his system. realistically speaking, they are very rare and chances of you encountering them are very slim.

2- Massive body build difference. Like when the martial artist is very petite and the other guy is very large. Here the odds are against our little Bruce Lee but if he is smart enough, he can exploit the big body build of his opponent to his advantage.

Bottom line, one should always stay out of trouble because this is the smartest thing to do and anyone who is cocky enough to think that he can beat a martial artist just think, who can do any random thing better, the one who is trained to do it, or the one who got himself into a situation where has to do it?


Dreams. One of the bizarre and insufficiently explained brain functions. They have scientific and religious explanations to them, but to me, those explanations are not enough. They will remain a mystery to mankind and dreaming will remain not fully understood. No one really knows exactly why do we dream and what are the exact functions of dreaming. Scientists say that dreaming is a brain function that helps the brain sort out the information it processed during the day, storing vital information into the long term memory and deleting the unimportant ones. Religion on the other hand, says that dreaming is a form of predicting the future like what is mentioned in the holy quran in Surat Yousef and I've never seen a contradiction so big between science and religion about this subject.

A person dreams several dreams in one night and as for me, I can hardly remember them when I wake up unless if I have a really weird dream that makes me say to myself when wake up "What the hell was that all about?"

The reason why am I talking about dreams out of no where is because of this very weird dream I had last night. I had a dream which its events occur during the early 1980s. It was in our old house before it got renovated in the 1990s. My parents were so young in this dream and so was I. The weirdest of all is the visit from my uncle's ex wife whom I've never met before. When I woke up I asked myself "why the hell did I dream of a woman whom I don't even know how does she look like and who never do I think about" and there she was in my dream so white with green eyes and wide nose. Somewhat like a Philipino lady.

There she was sitting on our old couch and my father asked her "How is Sundis and Bebe?" She said "They are fine. Sundis is 7 and Bebe is 3". I thought "wow how retro this dream is". My cousins the sisters Sundis and Bebe are mothers to school children now.

The thing that makes this dream is so stuck to my head is the thought I had before I went to sleep when my head ws on the pillow. I was thinking "Wow, in 10 days I;m going to be 29 years old. I can't believe how fast I reached this age without doing anything that exciting. I can never get those 29 years back" and there it was, my dream with me being so young as if my mind is telling me something.

Here I am, 10 days short of being 29 years old with a back problem of a 50 years old person already. Here I am, didn't hit 30 yet and already been diagnosed with cancer. (Praise god almighty for my health and the fact that I'm still blessed more than many poeple)

I just realized how short life is and it's time for me to do something big before it's to late. But the thing is what is it that I want to do?

All I ever want to do before I die is flying a fighter jet preferably an F-16. How the hell am I going to do that?

Thursday, February 10, 2011

شخصيات الفيسبوك

بعد فترة على الفيسبوك قدرت اطلع الشخصيات العامة في الفيسبوك و شنو نظامهم وهم كالتالي:

1- النوع المتحلطم واللي كله مو عاجبه. واهو انا والله يعينكم علي.

2- النوع الرومانسي. هالنوع اللي ما سهمته الا يحط كلمات اغاني و عادة هالكلمات تكون من نوع "خنتيني" "روح انا ما ابيك" و "اللي بعيد عن العين بعيد عن القلب" مشكلة هالنوع انك مع الوقت ودك تسويله بلوك لانه ما عنده غير هالسالفة.

3- النوع اليوتيوبي. عاد هذا الطامة الكبرى. يجابل اليوتيوب وكل فيديو يشوفه يسويله شير بالفيسبوك لما يترس صفحتك. عادي اتشوف صفحتك فيها 12 أو 13 فيديو. يا حبيبي خف علينا شوي.

4- النوع اللي يطرح اسئلة نقاشية وعادة تكون اجتماعية من نوع "شنو احسن سن للزواج؟" "اشرايكم باللي يخون زوجته؟"

5- النوع اللي ما عنده شغل الا كل ما يبي ياكل يصور صحنه و يحطه بالفيسبوك. يا حلاتك والله احب هالنوع

6- النوع السياسي اللي ما يتكلم الا بالسياسة و شايل هم الديرة فقلبه. اقول خف لا تنسحب امن الدولة ترا هالايام محللين معاشهم.

7- النوع الفلسفي اللي يقتبس مقولات الأئمة أو الفلاسفة واللذي منه. عاد اطبقون اللي تنقلونه ولا بس بهرجة؟

8- النوع الغثيث اللي كل ما طقع طقعة قال عنها بالفيسبوك. "بالفراش بنام" "توني قاعد من النوم"، "حصران" "يوعان" "داق السيارة سلف بطلع"

9- النوع المشابه واللي يكون شوية مفهي واهو نوع التايم. "موفي تايم" طلعة تايم" "قزة تايم" "حمام تايم".

10- النوع الديني اللي عايش الفلم واغلبه عن طريق اليوتيوب. "الله اكبر انظروا كيف جناح هذه الفراشة على شكل كلمة الله"، "الله اكبر انظروا كيف هذا اليهودي قد اسلم"، "الله اكبر انظروا كيف هذه السحابة على شكل كلمة محمد" ترا والله هالشغلات ما راح ادخلكم الجنة.

11- النوع اللي يسلم وهم هذا النوع حبيب يدل على طيبة قلبه. "صبحكم الله بالخير"، "مساكم الله بالخير"، "تصبحون على خير". هالنوع اذا تعرفه شخصيا راح اتشوف انه حبيييييب ومعشره حلو.

12- النوع المجسم واللي كله فارش عضلاته بالفيسبوك. اقول بلى مهايط بس

13- النوع المغاير من جنس حواء واهي اللي يا حاطة براطمها ولا عين وحدة ولا متلثمة بشماغ. اقول استريحي.

14- النوع المغازلجي واللي داش الفيسبوك عشان يضبط.

أقول قولي هذا واستغفر الله لي ولكم

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Is Martial Art Is The Same As Combat Sports?

Now a days the line between martial arts and combat sports is fading rapidly.

First let me define the both terms.

Martial arts as defined in wikipedia is: "(literally meaning arts of war[1] but usually referred as fighting arts) are extensive systems of codified practices and traditions of combat. Martial arts all have similar objectives: to physically defeat other persons or defend oneself or others from physical threat. Some martial arts take a great deal of their underlying theory from beliefs systems. Most specifically, Buddhism, and in Asia have been practiced in harmony with others, such as Hinduism, Taoism, Confucianism or Shinto while others follow a particular code of honor. Martial arts are considered as both an art and a science."

Keywords here, arts of war, codified practices, tradition, belief systems, code of honor.

In other wards, martial arts weren't created to just simply hit your opponent and  get a point for that. They were created for warriors to fight wars, kill or be killed, defend yourself or be dead, be honorable, be hard on yourself and gentle on others. Respect the elder and younger both age and experience, stay out of trouble, think before you act and the list goes on and on.

Is that taught around here? Hardly!

Now almost every master only teaches his disciples how to score a point in a competition. That's why the term "street fighting" emerged in the last 20 years. Do you know why? Because the majority of dojos and school have been concentrating on scoring points and adhering to a set of rules in an arena to the point where they forgot what is a martial art truly about.

There are no rules in true combat, there are no rules when someone is trying to hurt you in a street!!! why restrict the poor student's mentality to a set of rules hence a set of limited strikes that go with the rules???

Take Kyokushin Karate for an example, face punching is prohibited in competition, so what happened? almost 98% persent of dojos around the world don't teach you how to punch a face and defend yourself against it which is the basic of basics of martial arts.

Do you actually think that shotokan karate which you see in asian olympics is the same when master funakoshi created it. It got mutated when it became an olympic sport and the same goes for Taekwondo.

The majority of dojos around the world got so busy in stregethening players physically and overlooked the emotional and psychological part. No bushido anymore.

What is Bushido?

It is "Way of the Warrior", is a name in common usage since the late 19th century which is used to describe a uniquely Japanese code of conduct adhered to by samurai since the feudal medieval period. This code is said to have emphasized virtues such as loyalty, honor, obedience, duty, filial piety, and self-sacrifice.

This is the heart of martial arts and it is forgotten all thanks to competition.

What is a combat sport? It is simply hitting the oponent take gain a point in a competition like boxing, kickboxing, MMA.

Those are not martial arts, those are the art of winning in a sparring competition.

What's the point of this article? It is emphasising on how competition have destroyed the true meaning of martial arts and the way it is taight and practiced.

انعدام الاخلاق في بعض الكوتيين

ماله داعي اني اقسم بالله العلي العظيم اني ما شفت شعب غير الكويتيين بكل برود واهو ماشي بسيارته ينزل الجامة ويقط زبالته بالشارع. طبعا ما اقول الكل لكن نسبة كبيرة منهم.

أخلاق ماكو!!!

واللي يبط الجبد انك لو ادش بيته اكيد ماراح يرضى انك تقط زبالتك عنده. اذا ما ترضاها عيل ليش ترضى انك اتقط زبالتك فبيتنا كلنا؟

ذاك اليوم فمواقف 360 ركب واحد من الشباب اياهم سيارته، نزل الجامة جان يقط جيس في بطل عصير وكلنكس والمشكلة ان في زبالة مثله على بعد امتار منه!!!

صج عديمين تربية، واي واحد فيكم قاعد يقرا هالمقال ويسويها اقولك استح على ويهك لو مهما اتكون حتى لو كنت عمي.

ندري ان في بنغالية ينظفون من وارك لكن خلك خلوق لان شكلك صج هيلق لما تسويها.

المشكلة ان نفس هالشخص في امه خير خل يسويها لما يكون برة ديرته. ابوي ما يقدر الاعلى امي لانه تدرون ليش؟ من أمن العقوبة أساء الأدب. يا ماكو قانون ولا امو بس مو مفعل والدليل ان حتى شرطتنا المحترمين يسوونها.

روحو شوفو سنغافورة، اللي ولد ابوه يقط زبالة في الشارع راح يدفع اكثر من معاشه غرامة واذا ما فيها سجن بعد.

أخلاق ماكو!!!

انما الأمم اخلاق وإذا ذهبت أخلاقها ذهبوا

Striker VS Grapler Martial Art

There is always a debate among martial artists about which style is better,
striker martial art such as Karate, Taekwondo, etc.

or grapler like Judu, Jujitsu, etc.

or perhaps the mixed type like Kudo, MMA, etc.

To me, it's an absolute matter of taste. Just like when someone prefer Rock over Rap genre of music. Does that make a genre better than the other? definitely not!

The proof to my theory is there are always practitioners of a style seek to familiarize themselves with the other. i.e. a Judo practitioner seeks to know a little about Karate and vice versa. If one style is better, why bother going to learn a little of the other style.

Now coming to the Mixed Martial Art, personally I prefer to be an expert in one style and familiarized with the other rather than mixing it up with two styles and become half an expert with grappling and half with striking. Because believe me if you are an expert in grappling you can overcome a striker and when you are an expert on striking you will overcome a grapler.

The thing that bothers me is calling the mixed type a martial art. It's not a martial art at all. It is a mere sport just like Tennis and football and I'm going to tell you all in another post.

My Story with Oakley sunglasses

I have a burning question in my mind, why the hell everytime I buy myself an Oakley sunglasses, it either gets broken or completely lost?

I mean broken in half or completely teleported to a black hole.

I always own two pairs of shades, one Rayban type for formal wear

and another Oakley shades for casual wear

and boy do I love Oakley glasses? I feel like killing someone when I wear them and you can see from my picture above that I'm wearing one. you can checkout my facebook pictures!/profile.php?id=768090573 and see for yourself how many pictures of me wearing Oakley.

My relationship with Oakley dates back to my early college years, specifically the year 2001. They used to be stuck on my face to the point I got famous for it in college and I was known as Mohammad the Oakley man.

Not only in college did I wear them, I wore them when I jog, bike, Karate train and swim.  I even wore them in Haj while I was wearing the Ihram. To bad I've lost the picture where I was wearing them with the Ihram. Yeah they took a picture of me :)

The very sad story is I just can't keep them safe like my other stuff. They either break in half or completely lost and I don't know why. I'm really good at perserving my stuff for years except Oakleys to the point that I feel god is testing me by making me lose my dearest thing.

From 2001 until now I owned 5 Oaklies. First 3 were broken and the rest lost. How the first 3 were broken? someone always steps on them and the thing I cannot fathom is how the rest were lost. The more I bought one the less time it stayed with me. For example the very first one stayed with me like 2 years and the last one stayed less than 2 months.

Take the one I'm wearing in the picture above, that's Oakley #4, It disappeares like someone had stolen them. Really like one minute they were next to me and the next pooooof disappeared like a genie does.

The reason I'm venting by writing this post is because of this Oakley #5

When I lost Oakley #4 I said to myslef that's it no more Oaklies. I got sick and tired from getting hurt from either breaking or losing one. I mean hurt like Tom Hanks losing his ball Wilson in Cast Away hurt. So I went 2 years without an Oakley until I felt I can't go without one anymore, because Oakley is one of the things that define my character like losing my cynical sense of humor or something.

On 23/12/2010, I went shopping for one and I instantly fell in love with the one above. When I told the salesman I wanted it, I was telling myself please don't break or lose it, I can't afford that anymore and lo and behold I lost it the night before (7/2/2011).

You cannot imagine how frustrated I am right now because:

1- This Oakley didn't last even for 2 full months.
2- The way it got lost.

I left my parents house that night with the glasses in my hand. I am sure they were in my hand like I'm sure I'm typing this right now. So I got in the car, reached my final destination and poooof, no Oakley. I was like aaaaarrrrrgggghhhhh not again!!!! This time I know it was in the car. I searched my car like 10 times, went back to my parents house because mybe I was hellusinating and didn't take them with me, and I even turned my appartment upside down to double check they didn't even leave the appartment and all searching efforts lead to nothing. The way it got disappeard is so bizzar because I am dead sure the final place for it was in my car. Do you understand why I think they get lost by divine intervention?

I am so sad that I had a dream last night that everyone I know have given me the same Oakley just to make me feel better, even our maide.

Bye bye my Ducati Oakley and I'm gonna fucking buy me another one because it's getting personal.


Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Which martial art is the strongest?

Since my bolg's name is Sensei's blog, it is time for me to act like one and talk about martial arts.

A lot of people ask me the billion dollar question, "which martial art is the strongest?" Is it Kyokushin Karate? Is it Jujistsu? Is it Kung Fu? Or is it MMA? which is a new trend now a days and it stands for Mixed Martial Arts.

Are you familiar with the saying "hate the player bot not the game"? Well, this is exactly the case here.

When people ask me this question, they expect me to be biased to my martial art which Kyokushin Kai Kan Karate. (Yes this is the full name of it)

The answer is as simple as this: There is no stronger martial art than the other, they all depend on the practitioner and the practitioner depends on his teacher.

Even in the same martial art from different dojos, you can clearly see which practitioner is better and hence, which teacher is better. So how come we can decide which art is stronger?

All martial arts have some shortages but what martial art X has makes it overcome the shortages of martial art Y and vice versa.

The true case is not which one is stronger but which one is harder to master, and all martial arts experts agree that Kyokushin is the hardest art to master. Why is it the hardest to master? Well, because:

1: It is a knock out type of martial art which means no matter how many times you strike your opponent it won't matter unless you knock him out of the fight. That leads the practitioner to strengthen his weapons (hands and legs) and strengthen his last line of defence (his body) in order to withstand his opponents strikes. This leads reason 2.

2: No matter how strong your weapons and defence are, it is not enough. You have to stretch your limits everytime you reach it. That's why the symbol of Kyokushin is the kankudai which means aiming for infinity.

See how this practitioner looks at the sky through the opening of his joined hands? Imagine a tunnel that begins from this opening and ends where the sky is. Is there an end in the sky? Definitely not and this is where your skill reaches its peak, infinity.

Those two reasons make kyokushin the hardest martial art to master. But does that make the strongest?

No because When Kyokushin practitioner X fights Kung Fu practitioner Y and X wins the fight, we should ask ourselves a question, are those fighters are the spokesmen of their martial art in order for us to decide which art is the stronger one?

The only time we can decide which one is the stronger when the masters of all master of all martial arts fight in a tournament, we can never decide which art is the strongest and believe me that's not going to happen.

Monday, February 7, 2011

شلون تصيد الكويتيين برة الكويت

لما تكون مسافر و تلاحظ في ناس قاعدة تخزك من فوق لي تحت فاعلم ان هؤلاء الناس كويتيون.

لما تشوف بنات لابسين تريننقات جوسي مع بوت مال مطر والجو مو مطر فاعلم ان هؤلاء البنات كويتيات.

لما تمر علي بينك بيري برة الكويت وعليه زحمة، فاعلم ان اللي مسوين زحمة كويتيين.

لما تكون مأجر سيارة وواقف عند الاشارة و اللي بالسيارة اللي يمك قاعد يخوزز فيك فاعلم انه كويتي.

ليش يا القنوات العربية؟

ليش اخبار الرياضة بمعظم القنوات العربية بس عن كرة القدم؟

يا تسمونها اخبار كرة القدم ولا تحطون اخبار باجي الرياضات. ولا باجي الرياضات مالها رب؟