Tuesday, November 23, 2010
The Cliches of 24
After watching 8 seasons of 24, the show has become so predictable thanks to the cliches that the very "creative" writers seem can't avoid. The cliches in no particular order are:
1- The terrorist threat is always detected, handled and defused in exactly 24 hours, ALWAYS. I know that's what the show is all about but come on, it's getting old. Why not 36 hours? or 48 hours. The events happen so fast that so many people die and so much development happen in so little time.
2- There is only one who can defeat the terrorists and it is no other than Jack Bauer who is always relectant to get involved. Nevertheless he gets involved anyways.
3- The terrorists always have some traitor within CTU to help them out.
4- CTU always come under attack but they rise after the fall.
5- Any terrorist who get caught alive is willing to co-operate in exchange with a signed immunity from the President of The United States of America (POTUS).
6- The POTUS is always directly involved with the events from square one.
7- The POTUS always has one of the staff who will oppose the POTUS decesions and betray him/her.
8- Jack Bauer will eventually turn rogue and gets hunted by CTU.
9- At every 59th minute and 57th second of the hour something terrible happens.
10- Just when the terrorist threat gets illuminated, a master mind appears who was playing behind the scenes all along.
11- So many people die in the 24 hours.
12- Just when CTU arrest a lead for interrogation, they die.
13- The bad guys for most of the seasons are arabs or muslims who are led by russians behind the scenes.
14- The director of CTU always gets replaced by someone else during the day.
15- Everyone involved stays up for a whole day without any signes of fatigue, hunger, thirst or even going to the toilet for a piss.
The show is getting old and very much predictable so my suggestion is to stop it while it is still popular.
Friday, November 19, 2010
الوايرات يا جماعة
ليش الوايرات ياخذون ثانيتين علشان يتشربكون و 6 اشهر على ما تبطل الشرباكة؟
Thursday, November 11, 2010
Today in hisory 11/11/2010
Brostitute with Tim Roth
Brostitute with Tim Roth
This documentary takes a closer look at the seedy world of brostitution and brostitutes. This film digs deeper than any other film has when it comes to this secret world of bro-on-bro non-sexual love for profit.
This documentary takes a closer look at the seedy world of brostitution and brostitutes. This film digs deeper than any other film has when it comes to this secret world of bro-on-bro non-sexual love for profit.
Monday, November 8, 2010
ليش بافلام الخيال العلمي اذا كان الفلم بسفينة فضائية الناس تتمشى عادي وما جنة الجاذبية الارضية غايبة لانهم بالفضاء؟
Monday, November 1, 2010
أسئلة محيرتني
ليش الشركات لما تسوي عروض على جوائز نقدية الجوائز كله قيمتها بالدولار؟ ما عندنا عملة ولا أمريكان احنا؟
ليش محطات الغناء لما يصير وقت الاذان يحطون موسيقى بدال الاذان؟ يا انه الاغاني صارت حلال والاذان حرام ولا مو كول وستايل الاذان.
ليش محطات الغناء لما يصير وقت الاذان يحطون موسيقى بدال الاذان؟ يا انه الاغاني صارت حلال والاذان حرام ولا مو كول وستايل الاذان.
At the avenues 29/10/2010
Still the same uniform every guy is wearing. The stupid blue denim shirt and beige pants.
What's with the perfume stands that strech along the mall? Perfume mania!!!
and what's with the stupid mothers who were walking and their mades were pushing their babies' buggies behind them?
Typical kuwaiti moms, they just outsourse their mamma duties to the mades and they complain why our babies love their nannies more than us.
What's with the perfume stands that strech along the mall? Perfume mania!!!
and what's with the stupid mothers who were walking and their mades were pushing their babies' buggies behind them?
Typical kuwaiti moms, they just outsourse their mamma duties to the mades and they complain why our babies love their nannies more than us.
Wednesday, October 27, 2010
Monday, October 25, 2010
Superman has a new look
It's a new 'Look!' for Superman
Last Updated: 8:33 AM, October 25, 2010
Look, up in the sky! It's a bird, it's a plane, it's . . . Superhunk!
Seventy-two-year-old Superman is getting a face-lift this week in a new book that reimagines the iconic character as more of a brooding heartthrob than a muscle-bound Boy Scout.
In "Superman: Earth One," the Man of Steel is a conflicted 20-year-old who's trying to find his way in the world, bearing more of a resemblance to Robert Pattinson from the "Twilight" movies than Christopher Reeve from the Superman films.
He wears hoodies, has smoldering eyes and, as a lanky Clark Kent, wears low-cut pants and hipster skinny ties. Artist Shane Davis also made him less physically imposing -- shorter and less beefy -- than he has traditionally been depicted.
The new look and new attitude are being used to kick off DC Comics' "Earth One" line of graphic novels, which puts their classic characters in today's world. The $19.95 hardcover, out in comic shops on Wednesday and book stores Nov. 2, is aimed directly at the youth market.
"We wanted to tell a story that's hip, sexy and moody," said DC Comics' co-publisher Dan DiDio.
"We wanted to show a younger Superman at the early stages of his career, struggling with his identity and his place. He realizes he doesn't belong anywhere and doesn't fit in."
Source: the newyork post
Last Updated: 8:33 AM, October 25, 2010
Look, up in the sky! It's a bird, it's a plane, it's . . . Superhunk!
Seventy-two-year-old Superman is getting a face-lift this week in a new book that reimagines the iconic character as more of a brooding heartthrob than a muscle-bound Boy Scout.
In "Superman: Earth One," the Man of Steel is a conflicted 20-year-old who's trying to find his way in the world, bearing more of a resemblance to Robert Pattinson from the "Twilight" movies than Christopher Reeve from the Superman films.
He wears hoodies, has smoldering eyes and, as a lanky Clark Kent, wears low-cut pants and hipster skinny ties. Artist Shane Davis also made him less physically imposing -- shorter and less beefy -- than he has traditionally been depicted.
The new look and new attitude are being used to kick off DC Comics' "Earth One" line of graphic novels, which puts their classic characters in today's world. The $19.95 hardcover, out in comic shops on Wednesday and book stores Nov. 2, is aimed directly at the youth market.
"We wanted to tell a story that's hip, sexy and moody," said DC Comics' co-publisher Dan DiDio.
"We wanted to show a younger Superman at the early stages of his career, struggling with his identity and his place. He realizes he doesn't belong anywhere and doesn't fit in."
Source: the newyork post
Sunday, October 24, 2010
At The Avenues on 22/10/2010
One of the many interesting things about The Avanues Mall is you can instantly know what is the current trend fashion-wise seeing that everyone is wearing the same just like futurestic sci-fi movies where everyone of the cast is wearing exactly the same as everyone else.
What caught my eye is that nearly every guy was wearing a denim shirt with beige cargo pants or cargo shorts exactly like the dude below
Moving on to the chicks, what's with the high rise pants that every girl is wearing?
Ofcourse the chick has to tuck her shirt in to show off her high rise pants which is ok for me so far. But the hell the veiled chicks were thinking when they tick their shirts in and showing off their pants and their butts as a by-product. When those veiled ladies know that the veil is not all about covering the head but it is all about covering the curves of the body.
Anyways, now I know not to wear since I always have my own style and avoid being like a zebra that looks like everyone else.
What caught my eye is that nearly every guy was wearing a denim shirt with beige cargo pants or cargo shorts exactly like the dude below
Moving on to the chicks, what's with the high rise pants that every girl is wearing?
Ofcourse the chick has to tuck her shirt in to show off her high rise pants which is ok for me so far. But the hell the veiled chicks were thinking when they tick their shirts in and showing off their pants and their butts as a by-product. When those veiled ladies know that the veil is not all about covering the head but it is all about covering the curves of the body.
Anyways, now I know not to wear since I always have my own style and avoid being like a zebra that looks like everyone else.
Today In history 24/10
Fair Labor Standards Act: the 1938 act that established the 40-hour work week in the US went into effect (1940)
Source: Answers.com
Source: Answers.com
Monday, October 18, 2010
قصة تهز جبال
بغض النظر انها قصة حقيقية ولا لأ لكنها تبجي ولكم فيها عبرة
شـــاب يصفع وجه أبوه بمصحف .......قصة تهز جبال
كان شابا في الصف الثالث الثانوي وكان بارا بوالديه
في يوم إستلام شهادة الفصل الدراسي الأول وكان وعد أبيه له بأنه سيهديه سيارة هـــويختارها
عاد الشاب من المدرسة فرحا وهو حائز على نسبة 96% فاستقبل والده فرحا وعندما رأى
الأب الشهادة إحتضن ولده وقال :أطلب ما تشاء فرد الولد سريعا أريد سيارة الفلانية
وهي سيارة باهظة الثمن فرد الأب والله لأحضر لك شيء أغلى من السيارة فــفــرح الولد
ولكن الأب قال : على شرط أن تتخرج بنسبة تماثلها أو تكون أعلى منها فوافق الشاب وتمر
الأيام وتبدأ الدراسة ويتخرج الإبن بنسبة 98% فعاد والبهجة تملء وجهه
أبي.. أبي.. أبي.. فلم يجد أباه فقبل رأس أمه وسألها إن كان الأب في البيت أم لا ؟....!!!!!!!!
فردت:إنه في الدوام وعندما عاد رأى الأب شهادة إبنه فقال له : خذ هديتك فأعطاه علبة يحمل فيها
المصحف فرد الإبن: بعد كل هذا التعب تعطيني مصحف؟!!!!!
فرمى المصحف على وجه أبيه وقبل أن يغادر المنزل قال: لن أعود الى هذا البيت..!!!
وشتم أباه وغادر المنزل غاضبا .
وبعد عدة أسابيع ندم الولد على فعلته فعاد إلى بيته وكان أباه قد توفى من الصدمه في نفس اليوم الذي خرج فيها الشاب من المنزل
فوجد المصحف في غرفته كما كان ملقا على الارض تماما كما رماه في وجه أبيه على الارض قبل عدة شهور و العلبة مفتوحه فتحسر على ما فعله وأراد أن يقرأ بعض الآيات
فإذا به يفاجئ أن المصحف ما هو الا علبة وداخله مفتاح السيارة التي كان يريدها فأصيب الولد بشلل من هول الصدمة
في يوم إستلام شهادة الفصل الدراسي الأول وكان وعد أبيه له بأنه سيهديه سيارة هـــويختارها
عاد الشاب من المدرسة فرحا وهو حائز على نسبة 96% فاستقبل والده فرحا وعندما رأى
الأب الشهادة إحتضن ولده وقال :أطلب ما تشاء فرد الولد سريعا أريد سيارة الفلانية
وهي سيارة باهظة الثمن فرد الأب والله لأحضر لك شيء أغلى من السيارة فــفــرح الولد
ولكن الأب قال : على شرط أن تتخرج بنسبة تماثلها أو تكون أعلى منها فوافق الشاب وتمر
الأيام وتبدأ الدراسة ويتخرج الإبن بنسبة 98% فعاد والبهجة تملء وجهه
أبي.. أبي.. أبي.. فلم يجد أباه فقبل رأس أمه وسألها إن كان الأب في البيت أم لا ؟....!!!!!!!!
فردت:إنه في الدوام وعندما عاد رأى الأب شهادة إبنه فقال له : خذ هديتك فأعطاه علبة يحمل فيها
المصحف فرد الإبن: بعد كل هذا التعب تعطيني مصحف؟!!!!!
فرمى المصحف على وجه أبيه وقبل أن يغادر المنزل قال: لن أعود الى هذا البيت..!!!
وشتم أباه وغادر المنزل غاضبا .
وبعد عدة أسابيع ندم الولد على فعلته فعاد إلى بيته وكان أباه قد توفى من الصدمه في نفس اليوم الذي خرج فيها الشاب من المنزل
فوجد المصحف في غرفته كما كان ملقا على الارض تماما كما رماه في وجه أبيه على الارض قبل عدة شهور و العلبة مفتوحه فتحسر على ما فعله وأراد أن يقرأ بعض الآيات
فإذا به يفاجئ أن المصحف ما هو الا علبة وداخله مفتاح السيارة التي كان يريدها فأصيب الولد بشلل من هول الصدمة
وأجهش بالبكاء
ولم يستطع الكلام بعدها أبدا .
Thursday, October 14, 2010
It has begun
Welcome to my new blog. If you want to follow me, then get ready for some cash. Sorry for you cash here is not meant by money. Cash means "in your face" chit chat. Why cash? because my friends call me Mr. Cash because I say it as it is.
Once again welcome.
Once again welcome.
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